Tag: New Home

Building a Home? Here's How Much to Put Down
Posted on 01/09/2022
Building a Home? Here's How Much to Put Down
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels Most people who decide to build a new house plan on financing the construction via one of the multiple financing options available. However, the size of the down payment depends on what type of loan is taken out for the project. The following is a breakdown of what different loan programs commonly...
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Building Your Home: 4 Concrete Ways to Keep Visualizing During the Process
Posted on 01/02/2022
Building Your Home: 4 Concrete Ways to Keep Visualizing During the Process
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay When you build a new home, you want to see the house as clearly as possible even before it’s finished. Visualizing your new home throughout the building process isn’t only exciting, but it also helps ensure everything is constructed to your liking. Here are four concrete ways to visualize your new home...
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5 Tips for a Seamless New Construction Home Buying Experience
Posted on 11/07/2021
5 Tips for a Seamless New Construction Home Buying Experience
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels When you're buying a new construction home, you might feel like there are too many choices and things to consider. But choosing a new construction company and watching them build your new home from the dirt up can be a very enjoyable experience. These five tips can help you get the most...
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Posted on 07/25/2021
Loans: Your Quick Guide to Bridge Loans
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels When you're buying a new construction home, you may be in a situation where you can't sell your existing home until the new one is complete. This can cause added financial stress, but it doesn't have to. Bridge loans are specialized loans that can eliminate this added pressure. Here are a few...
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